The world is so “busy” and often times we get so focused catering to everyone but ourselves. You are important and come first. Create a self-care list and start using it. We've have some great tips on what you can add to your list.
the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one's own health physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually
the practice of taking an active role in protecting one's own well-being and happiness, even during periods of stress
Self-care is a term that has become widespread. Approximately 4 years ago, self-care was crucial because it was at the forefront of mental health. The importance of self-care cannot be overstated, it has a huge impact on one's life. By creating a self-care list you will be able to track if you are taking care of yourself and make sure your needs are met because the list will be tailored just for you!
Creating a list might sound time consuming but when you think about it, we create lists every week. If you have a busy household and you need to keep track of everything you definitely have a list for activities, bills, chores, groceries… the LIST goes on! Ha!
Your self-care list should be personalized to your needs. You can add or remove items from your list depending on what you need most at that time. Your list will help you with feeling grounded and balanced as you go throughout your every day life. Making this list and actually using it can help with anxiety and stress.
Here, some easy ideas for a self-care list, that you can put into practice today. In the beginning, if you miss one day or two don't beat yourself up, be kind to yourself and trust the process, just get back to it once you can. Another tip, keep your list anywhere convenient or visible. The BEST place to keep a self-care list is in your planner! You can pencil it in your days were you are busy or just dedicate 1-2 days a week to self-care. I highly recommend planners!
Eating clean
Exposure to daylight
Long hot baths
Setting aside some ME-Time which could include watching movies, having hours of quiet where you can listen to music and do other leisurely activities.
Taking care of oneself is essential for mental and physical health. It's also important for our productivity and our relationships with others. Self-care it's about making time for yourself so you feel balanced, energized, and ready to take on life's challenges. It may seem like self-care is all about you, but it has an impact on everyone around you too.