You may have seen many people on social media posting pictures of themselves 10 years ago vs now. You definitely see physical change but when doing this challenge I also celebrated my mental, emotional and spiritual change. Let’s test your energy from 10 years ago vs. now. How did you GLOW UP? Let’s celebrate!
I was ignoring this social media challenge for about 11 days but of course when you constantly see something it imprints in your mind. So, I started digging through my facebook trying to find a picture from 10 years ago. When I came across my picture of choice I immediately remembered where I was.
Mexico, and one of my best friends got married. I was a bridesmaid in the wedding. I traveled there (my first time being out of the United States) with my then husband. I was a size 22/24 and a couple years later I remember being a size 26. I wanted to lose weight but I didn’t have the motivation so I would only lose 5-10 pounds at a time.
I remember one of the wedding pictures, we had to all jump up and the photographer captured us as we were jumping in the air celebrating their union. I thought to myself “OH SHIT” because I had not jumped ANYWHERE, ANYTIME and didn’t even know if I would make it off the ground. I was low key embarrassed but I prevailed and took that photo.
I became so overwhelmed because when I check my physicalities now, I am a size 14. I can jump (although I don’t particularly like to); I actually hike and climb boulders.
I started to stare at both pictures and I was filled with love for that girl 10 years ago that was just trying to figure herself out. I went even deeper and I did an energy check. My mental, physical, spiritual and emotional state. I was overcome with emotion when I did an energy check. I am proud of me.
“I believe approximately 2 years later I was getting divorced”
Unfortunately, divorce happens and I don’t want to spend too much energy on something that was never going to help me reach my highest and best self. The point is that my energy was low, I had unhealthy eating habits, my health was poor. My mental, emotional and spiritual mind was so poor. I was controlling and very quick to anger when I was hurt.
I allowed myself to feel all of the internal pain and generational cords that had me in turmoil. I cried for “10 year ago, Ericka” and all the pain that was endured after that photo was taken. I realized that I had unhealthy eating habits, I was never honored, I controlled, I was ALWAYS disrespected and my health was bad not only because I was not taught certain things but because I did not feel that I was good enough. So, I picked partners that also did not feel that I was good enough and when they felt something was better… they were gone. It all boiled down to me and what I thought about myself on the inside and what I truly thought about myself on the inside came to fruition on the outside.
Now, I am #FREE mentally, spiritually and emotionally. I love myself. I eat healthy (90% of the time). I am slow to anger, I listen and I’m a great friend, family member and partner. I wake up everyday thanking GOD for everything that he has done for me and my heart is in full gratitude. The people around me honor and love me deeply and I know this. I don’t feel like I have to put on a show to get attention anymore. I am just authentically me and I am loved. Because I have honesty, trust, honor and loyalty around me and it helps me be a better person; A HIGHER ME!
The work that I have done on myself and the way that I feel interally comes to fruition on the outside with my surroundings and it is the most humbling and beautiful feeling that my surroundings allow for me to be my highest and best self.
I’m here and I’m ready to do even more work so that I can truly operate in my highest and best spiritual form while on this earth. I embrace with love all of the lessons these past 10 years; the pain, the tears, the health scares, the ending of cycles with people in my life and I release it all to GOD and thank him for the experiences and redirection to put me on my divine path.
With Love,
When channeling energy, it is so important to revisit energy from the past even if it is hurtful so that you can fully release it. Although time has passed that doesn’t always mean that you have fully released. YES, you have moved on but let’s make sure you release the old stagnant energy. So, go back and revisit your spiritual, emotional and mental energy 10 years ago vs. now. How have you GLOWED up? Please share your glow-up below.
All of us at Sly Stone would love to celebrate with you!