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This will be short and sweet.

A bridge job is a place where you work that is not your dream job/career field. It’s a place where you work to pay the bills and other necessities but you do it with gratitude. You learn all that you need to learn at this job because if you pay close attention, there will be little trinkets of knowledge that you will learn and be able to use once you go towards your divine path.

Take care of your needs but also use the time to build your business, further your education so that you can go into the career field that you want or you could even keep saving money because you just want to earn enough to take a 6 month break for self care reasons.

A bridge job is never too difficult and should not stress you out. Some people spend time complaining on bridge jobs that they are not fulfilled and don’t feel happy where they are. They hate the work they do (and possibly the people they work with) and even going to the job- (I remember having a bridge job for 60 days and I cried every single day in the bathroom because I hated it that much) but it’s all about changing your mind and the way you think.

The facts are that you don’t like the job but rather than complain try utilizing that time to work towards what you want.

Example: I remember working at a credit union in the back office while going to school to get my degree in business administration. I didn’t do this to move up in that company; I never wanted that. I did it because I wanted to learn how to have my own company and I used the time to learn about the foundations of a business while I was on my bridge job, I graduated from college with my bachelors and shortly after that I went off to own an online makeup and skincare line AND also had a brick and mortar women’s apparrel store. It was amazing.

The moral of this journal entry is to have gratitude for where you are. Change your mentality and use this time to work towards what you really want. Nothing is impossible. You have what it takes!