Coffee doesn’t have the best reputation and it’s mainly because the caffeine. Too much caffeine can lead to weight gain, anxiety, panic attacks and many other things. There are people that will proudly say they drink multiple cups of coffee per day and they are happy doing this. To each their own.
Coffee/caffeine at a moderated level is great. A terrific and organic brand of coffee is [1]Ruta Maya; it lacks the chemicals that are in other coffee brands and is quite delicious. After it was introduced to me, I have been a loyal coffee bestie of the brand for 4 years.
In the United States, coffee is used as an aid. Often people will say they need it to relax, wake up, stay awake or they grab a cup of coffee on the way to work to help with their anxiety. While others understand the assignment. Coffee is part of their routine; its part of conversation.
Do you drink coffee while preparing breakfast? Do you wait and drink coffee after breakfast? What do you put in your coffee?
Some additional spices you can add in coffee are, cinnamon, tumeric, nutmeg, and ginger. They are relaxing and calming spices. I would love everyone to try a different way to “coffee” (or even “tea”) when the time permits.
When you have breakfast with your family, take the time to sit down and truly be present during that special breakfast meal. After enjoying breakfast together, make sure to clean up the table and kitchen area, and then take a moment to savor a warm cup of coffee. Sit down comfortably and engage in conversation with your significant other or another family member while you enjoy your coffee, creating a space for connection and relaxation.
You may be asking why the change of morning routine (when time permits) is important.
This subtle change in your approach to consuming coffee effectively reprograms your mind to not perceive coffee as an essential aid; whether it is seen as a necessary tool for managing stress, alleviating anxiety, or providing that extra boost needed during a hectic rush, or for whatever other reasons are typically cited. Of course, it is important to note that this method will not immediately reprogram your mind after just one attempt. It will require several repetitions for it to take effect, but over time, it will work to gradually reprogram the subconscious feelings and associations you have regarding coffee consumption.
Slowing down when drinking coffee helps. It also helps you sit and be present in your current moment. We always grab things “on the go” and rarely use time to sit and be present. This is needed while reprogramming. It’s ok to sit and enjoy the things around you. Even if there is no one to conversate with. Just sit and enjoy your cup of coffee.
If you are alone while drinking your coffee, a great way to stay present in your moment and control your thoughts of not wanting to rush is to start to notice things around you. Allow yourself to enjoy the taste of the coffee. Let your taste buds acknowledge all the notes of the spices. You can even make a to-do list or journal while having coffee. It keeps you being present.
Doing this for 15-20 minutes will get you to slow down. It will reprogram you not to feel those aiding emotions when having a cup of coffee. Doing this with a simple, yet delicious cup of coffee, while changing your mind in other areas as well. Try this for 7 days. If you are unable to do this all 7 days, try it on the weekend for 2 weeks. Let me know how you felt during the rest of the day and how this changed your other routine during the week.