How many times did you hear “you can’t get up from this table until you eat your vegetables” when growing up? We didn’t like hearing that when we were young but now that we have aged like fine, we realize the importance of vegetables. I’m kicking myself now wishing that I would have eaten more vegetables. Per The Harvard School of Public Health, a diet rich in vegetables and fruits can lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, prevent some types of cancer, lower risk of eye and digestive problems, and have a positive effect upon blood sugar, which can help keep appetite in check.
I have been obsessed with bell peppers for approximately 3 months now. I eat them 1-2 times a week (3-4 times if you count the leftovers for lunch) and I love them. I’ve have slowly introduced myself to vegetables with the help of great friends and I feel like I’m in a whole new world *queue the Aladin theme music*.
Bell peppers are so delicious. I almost always bake them first and from there I will dice them up OR I will stuff the half of them and make stuffed tacos. The robust of flavor a bell pepper has is something new to me and if you have not incorporated bell peppers in your diet you definitely can start with my receipe for my famous bell pepper tacos.
My bell pepper taco recipe is absolutely delicious. It’s robust with flavors and will have your mouth watering! This is a “fan favorite” in my household.
Boosts Immunity: The amount of vitamin C increases with ripening as well, and bell peppers are full of vitamin C. 1 cup of sliced red bell peppers gives you 157% of your daily vitamin C content, making them a great way to stay healthy.
Balances Mood: If you are feeling blue, try to increase the amount of vitamin B6 you consume. Naturally occurring in bell peppers, B6 helps your brain produce serotonin and norepinephrine, two chemicals that affect your mood.
Natural Sleep Aid: Not able to fall asleep at night? Eat some bell peppers! The vitamin B6 found in bell peppers also aids in melatonin production, which your body needs to regulate its internal clock.
Weight Loss: Bell peppers are very low in fat and calories- about 1 gram of fat and 29 calories per cup- which makes them an ideal snack option, or a great supplement for a main meal. This small amount of fat is enough to provide a reliable storage for bell pepper’s fat-soluble nutrients.
Beautiful Skin: Bell peppers contain a solid amount of Vitamin E, which helps keep skin looking fresh and young, and hair strong and vibrant.
Lowers Cholesterol: Although bell peppers contain less capsaicin than their spicier cousins, they do have some. And that’s good news for those with high cholesterol, because capsaicin is a nutrient that lowers the levels of bad cholesterol in your system.
Helps With Pain: The bell pepper relieves chronic pain in a couple ways. Vitamin C and vitamin K, both found in bell peppers, have anti-inflammatory properties, which reduces swelling and protects against osteoporosis. Capsaicin also relieves chronic pain.
Heart Healthy: The anti-inflammatory properties in bell pepper also lowers inflammation in arteries. That means that bell peppers help prevent heart disease and diabetes.