For the past 7 years, in December, I’ve always come together with a close friend and we have an end of year/beginning of the new year intention ceremony. During this time we look back at our accomplishments for the current year, what we want to acommplish for the next year and of course we talk about things we want to continue working on.

It is such an amazing ceremony filled with lots of love and positive energy. Being able to do this with a friend is something that I look forward to every December. Being able to highlight not only my wins but their wins as well, feels so rewarding. We have these deep ephiphanies that we love to phrase as “we are at church tonight” because they are so life changing. We experience many full circle moments of our personal lives throughout the year but for some reason, for the past 7 years in December, we have the ultimate life changing COMPLETE full circle moment and we celebrate this. For this intention ceremony, we celebrate growth and we set intentions for the next year to continue moving forward in love, positivity and abundance.




At the end of each intention ceremony we ask ourselves “what is the word we want to carry into the next year?” This year there was no hesitation in chosing my word. And that word is EXECUTION.

If you think about it, all the years prior we have planted seeds for ourselves and had seeds planted on our behalf from others. This is something that I have always been in alignment with. I truly feel that God brings people into your life for a reason, season or a lifetime and they plant seeds. Some of those seeds can lead to getting to the root of things by pulling out everything that needs to be healed.

I mean, in a farming aspect, do they not till the ground before they plant their seeds?

In November 2022, I felt this harvest energy. I felt that everything that has been planted in the ground (in our spiritual ground) on our behalf was ready for harvest. And when it’s time for harvest there is a certain execution that goes into that process.

You start with getting the soil prepared, planting seeds, watering them and now your crop is ready for harvest. Now, is the time that you decide what you want to do with all of your crop and once you decide the direction(s) you want to go, you make sure that you come up with a plan to execute it. Besides, no great farmer wants their crops to go to waste.

Of course other feelings can get in the way like insecurities, fear and many other things. However, you can still execute what you desire while having those fears and working through them.

Don’t let the past residue from the other years stop you from doing what you truly love to do. Remember 2023, the year of execution and that year is yours!

Grow.Well - xox


