Toxic Friendships
We have all had those friends that have come into our lives for a season. And when that season ended we learned a valuable lesson, right??
They Exist!
Toxic friendships really exist. At Sly Stone we’ve got your back. We want to give you some helpful tips to determine if your friend meter is leaning to the toxic side. Communication is key so if you do find that your friendship in question has concerns, definitely COMMUNICATE with that person first. Don’t just cut them off cold turkey unless you’ve been waiting for a sign and this article happens to be it. Sometimes people don’t realize their behaviors are an issue and if they truly love and care for you they will work with you to better your friendship. So, let’s get started!
It’s ALWAYS Some Shit!
We are just going to get right to the point! Have you ever had a friend and it was always some shit going on? They are always arguing with people and when they do get along with someone it is only for a short time because it then becomes a problem. It’s like you LITERALLY can’t take them anywhere because they always make a scene and want something to pop off. Having a friend that is always ON GO can have a negative impact on you. You could be the sweetest person but your affliliation with this person can definitely have people group you in the category of “don’t f*ck with her”.
They DISRESPECT Your Loved Ones
It should not be any space for your friend disrespecting people that you love. There should be a common and mutual respect. When your friend starts to make fun of or constantly say negative things about someone that you love it is the ultimate sign of disrespect. You should check yourself immediately because there should never be a stage for this to happen. This type of behavior can be really damaging because this person trying to control who you love and you listening to that negative energy and thoughts will eventually transfer that toxic energy. This is an ABSOLUTE no go!
They DRAIN Your Soul
We all know that things in life can happen. Sometimes there are (what feels like years) but several seasons where someone may truly be struggling and that is understandable.
But have you ever had that friend that even when all things are going right and they should show grattitude and be happy, they are still very NEGATIVE and it’s draining. It’s like “DAMN, can we laugh and possibly go shopping today”? It is so hard to deal with someone who is always on a downward spiral. They don’t embrace overcoming obstacles and growth; it is always “woe is me”. You start to feel like you can’t share anything happy with them because they will turn it into their chaos and darkness. It can be quite draining. You can find yourself always pouring into them and feeling depleted because it is a one-sided friendship where you pour time and emotions into hoping they will be positive but you get nothing in return. Being around this type of energy can have you feeling depressed and you may not know where this dark cloud is coming from but do a temperature check on the people you come in contact with daily and you may realize that this energy definitely does not belong to you. It is theirs. Remember, energy is transferable.
Victim Mentality - No Accountability
Remember earlier when we mentioned “woe is me”? Well, that’s also a victim mentality. It is very difficult to have ANY relationship with someone who never looks at the big picture. It is always someone else’s fault why they behave the way they do. They take no accountability for their actions and never apologize for anything. That is an EXTREME level of difficulty. Relationships are meant to flourish and as you age that level of friendship should also age gracefully but it is hard to do this when someone does not embrace change or embrace that they could be the actual problem.
We have listed some key energetic features on how to tell if you are in a toxic friendship. There is alot more that we can mention but we want you to sound off below in our comments and share your experiences and even more tips that could help someone recognize if they need to make some changes.