Dear Toni…

Everyone deserves a best friend that is a true soul connection while on this earth. Someone you feel you have known for many life times. A RYDAH, confidant, person who keeps you in check and calls you out on your shit. I am so grateful that I have that in my life with a few people but my main one is Toni. She rides in the front seat of the car with me.


I did it! The time has come to see this vision that I have been working on for 8 years come to fruition. I have been over joyed and filled with emotion just thinking about it. It is not an emotion of fear or feeling like I’m not good enough. It is the emotions of happiness and absolute gratitude because I think of you.

You are my constant and have seen me transform into who I am today and I am thankful for your friendship. Who would have known that in 3rd grade when I tried to help move your hair, and you got pissed while doing the apple bobbing contest, that our lives would forever be intertwined.

You were my junior high and highschool friend. You were the maid of honor at my 1st (and 2nd/FINAL.. lol) wedding, you helped plan a baby shower, you became a godmother to my son and you absolutely saved my life when I crashed, burned and went through the deepest and darkest depression that I would not wish on anyone.

I truly feel that if it were not for God creating such a magnetic beautiful soul in you, that I would not be where I am today. You are patient, kind, MAGNETIC and just so fucking bad ass!

Thank you for being a cheerleader and best friend to me. We may have our disagreements at times but we have NEVER disrespected each other and we know that even when we have to be brutually honest that it is said with complete love.

Thank you… my friend who twerks with me on her parents back patio, the girl who sings AND RAPS Lil Kim with me, laughs hysterically until we can’t breath, the person that I was with when I first experienced euphoria, the person I can talk to for hours about our “growth-epiphanies” and who celebrates my overall entire life with me. You have set the bar high on friendships and what I will allow in my space and I really needed that because I didn’t have all of this positivity around me for so many years.

So, here we are. I’ve put myself out here to the world with my energy healing practice and I am authentically me. Thank you for helping me be OK with being myself. And this month, which is the “love” month and also my birthday month, I celebrate your energy and your spirit. #FORTEX

You are and will forever be “my bestest friend ever”. You are one of the angels that has been placed on this earth by GOD to help it rotate.

Thank you!






Surrendering Spirit + ENERGY